This book cover is very inspirational. This book cover has no writing, there’s only a small illustration that is centered on the book. When I first looked at this book cover design I was confused. I think this is the effect of the book I think it’s supposed to be confusing for the audience. I assume the illustration is a tiger; maybe this book is about animals. I like how the illustrator used no writing for the front cover of the book; this gives a strong effect of confusedness to the audience.
This is my favorite book cover design, I like how there’s very little on the page and how powerful the illustration is. What’s unique about this book is that the imagery speaks for its self. There’s also very little writing on the page I think this book cover design doesn’t really need any writing because the illustration it that powerful it can speak for its self. There’s also very little colour on the book, a bright red for the Nazi symbol creates this strong impact to the audience.

This book cover design is very inspirational. The way the typography is positioned on the book is very effective, I like how there’s very little on the page this gives the audience a focus on what to look at. The book is mostly typography designed; what’s unique about this book is the cover itself. The type is presented vertical on the page.

This is another book cover that’s inspired me. What’s unique about this book is that the illustration and the type are combined to make an illustration. The title of the book is ‘oil’ the typography is designed to look like oil; this gives this personal feeling to the book. There’s very little on the page I like how the type is centered on the page.
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