Monday 20 June 2011

BCU's Exhibition

The binding in this book looks very professional when producing my book I might consider this approach. What’s inspired me in this book is the typography I like how all the type is centered and cluttered together. The colour scheme of the book is also very inspiring I like how the white and gray hits the black.

Here are two examples of poster designs. The design at the top is very similar to my typography design. I like how the central type is together and rearranged randomly.

The three images above show how BCU displayed their books for the show. That has inspired me because I was considering the same approach. The second image shows a book cover on a stand with the book displayed open. i might make a book cover for my book design and display the book like that.

Friday 17 June 2011

Different Books Back Cover Designs

General Research on book cover designs.

Sample of Barcodes

As you can see in this book back cover it has a barcode which is used to scan the product. this can be used to find information about book author, price and the date it was published. Therefore for my book design I will collect ideas by looking at different books back cover design and apply them to my books.

This is an example of a barcode which is used in books, and on many other different products. The reason I got the above barcode becuase I would be using similar barcode to this for my books back cover. this is becuase it would helo me to undersand how to design the barcode for my book back cover.

This is another example of a barcode. Although barcoode is used for same reasons but some barcode are different from others. as you can see in this barcode. For my book back cover I would have manufacture code, prodcut code.

Final Book Design

Pages of The Book

Here are a few example of my book page. I think the outcome was very successful. The illustration fits as well as suits the text. The negative spaces make the positive space look cleaner; it also makes the illustration and the type stand out.

Saturday 4 June 2011

Towards Final (Illustration)

Here is an example of how the illustration will look. Russ Mills is the artist that's inspired me into producing something like this. The illustrations are very dark and bold this done because I was trying to emphasise the jungle look. The illustration is also very sketchy, I produced the illustration with a piece of card, i placed ink on the card and i spread that ink on the surface of the page, this gave me a very textural illustration. (Above are close up shots of the illustration)

The most important narrative behind the illustration is emotion. When the audience looks at this illustration I want the audience to feel various emotions.

I also incorporated word into the illustration; the words are from the extract from the jungle book. As you can see some of the words are bold and others are normal. I want these words to stand out when the illustration is printed, these words relate to parenting.

Template For Page